My best client is Dan Maddux, the Executive Director of the American Payroll Association. He is a popular speaker himself on marketing and frequently invited to speak at the National Speakers Association. He often tells keynote speakers, "It is your responsibility to let me know how I could hire you again. I don't read your mind, and I might not read your website once you've been booked."
Taking Dan's advice, just in case you are searching high and low for some of the services I offer here is the latest update on Keynote Speeches on Presentation Skills.
Keynote Speech on Presentation Skills
A keynote speech on presentation skills is perfect for your conference if your audience needs to learn the very latest public speaking techniques. If business presentations, sales presentations, corporate convention speeches, executive speeches, internal meetings and company briefing are of a high priority to you there is no better keynote speaker to hire than Patricia Fripp.
Most executives, managers, supervisors and sales professionals are required to make presentations and often are required to give a speech. Almost everyone at some level...even top executives...often have a fear public speaking. In an era of tough competition, presentations that persuade, educate, motivate, and help you sell better give you a competitive edge. When executives deliver powerful speeches their employees have more respect for them and confidence in the future.
Patricia Fripp's unique and riveting keynote speeches on Presentation Skills can have various titles. If you would prefer we can adapt a title that will fit your convention theme or corporate slogan.
- Presentation Skills Keynote Title Options
- How to Give a Speech
- Preparing and Presenting Powerful Presentations
- The Story Behind Awesome Stories
- How to Deliver Powerful, Polished and Persuasive Presentations
- How to Inspire and Excite Your Audience into Action
- Superstar Sales Presentations: The Inside Secrets
More Reasons for You to Consider a Keynote Speech on Presentation Skills
The higher up the corporate ladder an individual goes the more important good public speaking skills become.
When your associates are at a client meeting or networking event, the way they act, speak and behave adds to or diminishes both their personal and your corporate reputations.
In the competitive sales arena it probably takes your sales associates weeks or months to finally secure a meeting in front of a C level audience. Are you confident their presentation skills will not lose you the business you have already budgeted to win?
Add to Your Convention Success
To add to your convention success, why not engage Patricia Fripp to deliver a presentation skills keynote speech and then present one or more interactive breakout sessions? During the smaller presentation skills breakout sessions Patricia will be hands on and offer specific speaking suggestions to your attendees. They can benefit from Fripp's years of public speaking and speech coaching experience. Patricia will coach your audience on how to deliver engaging presentations that get results. Through Patricia Fripp's public speaking advice and training your attendees will increase their confidence and have a better sense of control in their careers and life.
This is What Patricia Fripp Guarantees for Every Keynote Speech on Presentation Skills
Patricia's keynote speech or seminar will be adapted for your audience. This is what Patricia Fripp will promise from every presentation or keynote speech on presentation skills and public speaking.
Your audience will learn how to:
- Create and deliver a presentation that is on-target
- Speak to be remembered...for all the right reasons
- Utilize the three critical aspects of every business presentation
- Solidify your thoughts into a fool-proof structure
- Recognize do's and don'ts that ensure a successful presentation
- Open with impact and close on a high point
- Connecting both emotionally and intellectually
- Speak as an authority
- Minimize your nervousness
- Improve listener buy-in for your point of view
- Present persuasively, clearly and concisely
- Adapt and be confident in every public speaking situation.
Patricia Fripp's experience and knowledge of public speaking is advanced. However, no matter what level of experience your audience level is...novice or advanced...they will walk away amazed and empowered.
If a keynote speech on presentation skills is what you have decided you can feel secure with your choice of hiring Patricia Fripp. Here are a few of her public speaking credentials:
- Patricia Fripp has been paid to speak for more than 25 years.
- She is a National Speakers Association Past President and an NSA Hall of Fame Speaker.
- Executives, business professionals and celebrity speakers hire her for personal speech coaching.
- Many corporate and association meeting planners consistently hire Fripp to coach their presenters in advance of their meetings and conventions.
- Kiplinger's Personal Finance says, "Patricia Fripp's speaking school is the sixth best way you can invest in yourself."
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